83 research outputs found

    Event-based State Estimation: An Emulation-based Approach

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    An event-based state estimation approach for reducing communication in a networked control system is proposed. Multiple distributed sensor agents observe a dynamic process and sporadically transmit their measurements to estimator agents over a shared bus network. Local event-triggering protocols ensure that data is transmitted only when necessary to meet a desired estimation accuracy. The event-based design is shown to emulate the performance of a centralised state observer design up to guaranteed bounds, but with reduced communication. The stability results for state estimation are extended to the distributed control system that results when the local estimates are used for feedback control. Results from numerical simulations and hardware experiments illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach in reducing network communication.Comment: 21 pages, 8 figures, this article is based on the technical report arXiv:1511.05223 and is accepted for publication in IET Control Theory & Application

    Distributed Event-Based State Estimation for Networked Systems: An LMI-Approach

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    In this work, a dynamic system is controlled by multiple sensor-actuator agents, each of them commanding and observing parts of the system's input and output. The different agents sporadically exchange data with each other via a common bus network according to local event-triggering protocols. From these data, each agent estimates the complete dynamic state of the system and uses its estimate for feedback control. We propose a synthesis procedure for designing the agents' state estimators and the event triggering thresholds. The resulting distributed and event-based control system is guaranteed to be stable and to satisfy a predefined estimation performance criterion. The approach is applied to the control of a vehicle platoon, where the method's trade-off between performance and communication, and the scalability in the number of agents is demonstrated.Comment: This is an extended version of an article to appear in the IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control (additional parts in the Appendix

    Resource-aware IoT Control: Saving Communication through Predictive Triggering

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) interconnects multiple physical devices in large-scale networks. When the 'things' coordinate decisions and act collectively on shared information, feedback is introduced between them. Multiple feedback loops are thus closed over a shared, general-purpose network. Traditional feedback control is unsuitable for design of IoT control because it relies on high-rate periodic communication and is ignorant of the shared network resource. Therefore, recent event-based estimation methods are applied herein for resource-aware IoT control allowing agents to decide online whether communication with other agents is needed, or not. While this can reduce network traffic significantly, a severe limitation of typical event-based approaches is the need for instantaneous triggering decisions that leave no time to reallocate freed resources (e.g., communication slots), which hence remain unused. To address this problem, novel predictive and self triggering protocols are proposed herein. From a unified Bayesian decision framework, two schemes are developed: self triggers that predict, at the current triggering instant, the next one; and predictive triggers that check at every time step, whether communication will be needed at a given prediction horizon. The suitability of these triggers for feedback control is demonstrated in hardware experiments on a cart-pole, and scalability is discussed with a multi-vehicle simulation.Comment: 16 pages, 15 figures, accepted article to appear in IEEE Internet of Things Journal. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1609.0753

    Event-triggered Learning

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    The efficient exchange of information is an essential aspect of intelligent collective behavior. Event-triggered control and estimation achieve some efficiency by replacing continuous data exchange between agents with intermittent, or event-triggered communication. Typically, model-based predictions are used at times of no data transmission, and updates are sent only when the prediction error grows too large. The effectiveness in reducing communication thus strongly depends on the quality of the prediction model. In this article, we propose event-triggered learning as a novel concept to reduce communication even further and to also adapt to changing dynamics. By monitoring the actual communication rate and comparing it to the one that is induced by the model, we detect a mismatch between model and reality and trigger model learning when needed. Specifically, for linear Gaussian dynamics, we derive different classes of learning triggers solely based on a statistical analysis of inter-communication times and formally prove their effectiveness with the aid of concentration inequalities

    Learning an Approximate Model Predictive Controller with Guarantees

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    A supervised learning framework is proposed to approximate a model predictive controller (MPC) with reduced computational complexity and guarantees on stability and constraint satisfaction. The framework can be used for a wide class of nonlinear systems. Any standard supervised learning technique (e.g. neural networks) can be employed to approximate the MPC from samples. In order to obtain closed-loop guarantees for the learned MPC, a robust MPC design is combined with statistical learning bounds. The MPC design ensures robustness to inaccurate inputs within given bounds, and Hoeffding's Inequality is used to validate that the learned MPC satisfies these bounds with high confidence. The result is a closed-loop statistical guarantee on stability and constraint satisfaction for the learned MPC. The proposed learning-based MPC framework is illustrated on a nonlinear benchmark problem, for which we learn a neural network controller with guarantees.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, to appear in IEEE Control Systems Letter

    A New Perspective and Extension of the Gaussian Filter

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    The Gaussian Filter (GF) is one of the most widely used filtering algorithms; instances are the Extended Kalman Filter, the Unscented Kalman Filter and the Divided Difference Filter. GFs represent the belief of the current state by a Gaussian with the mean being an affine function of the measurement. We show that this representation can be too restrictive to accurately capture the dependences in systems with nonlinear observation models, and we investigate how the GF can be generalized to alleviate this problem. To this end, we view the GF from a variational-inference perspective. We analyse how restrictions on the form of the belief can be relaxed while maintaining simplicity and efficiency. This analysis provides a basis for generalizations of the GF. We propose one such generalization which coincides with a GF using a virtual measurement, obtained by applying a nonlinear function to the actual measurement. Numerical experiments show that the proposed Feature Gaussian Filter (FGF) can have a substantial performance advantage over the standard GF for systems with nonlinear observation models.Comment: Will appear in Robotics: Science and Systems (R:SS) 201

    On the Design of LQR Kernels for Efficient Controller Learning

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    Finding optimal feedback controllers for nonlinear dynamic systems from data is hard. Recently, Bayesian optimization (BO) has been proposed as a powerful framework for direct controller tuning from experimental trials. For selecting the next query point and finding the global optimum, BO relies on a probabilistic description of the latent objective function, typically a Gaussian process (GP). As is shown herein, GPs with a common kernel choice can, however, lead to poor learning outcomes on standard quadratic control problems. For a first-order system, we construct two kernels that specifically leverage the structure of the well-known Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR), yet retain the flexibility of Bayesian nonparametric learning. Simulations of uncertain linear and nonlinear systems demonstrate that the LQR kernels yield superior learning performance.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, to appear in 56th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2017

    Overcoming Bandwidth Limitations in Wireless Sensor Networks by Exploitation of Cyclic Signal Patterns: An Event-triggered Learning Approach

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    Wireless sensor networks are used in a wide range of applications, many of which require real-time transmission of the measurements. Bandwidth limitations result in limitations on the sampling frequency and number of sensors. This problem can be addressed by reducing the communication load via data compression and event-based communication approaches. The present paper focuses on the class of applications in which the signals exhibit unknown and potentially time-varying cyclic patterns. We review recently proposed event-triggered learning (ETL) methods that identify and exploit these cyclic patterns, we show how these methods can be applied to the nonlinear multivariable dynamics of three-dimensional orientation data, and we propose a novel approach that uses Gaussian process models. In contrast to other approaches, all three ETL methods work in real time and assure a small upper bound on the reconstruction error. The proposed methods are compared to several conventional approaches in experimental data from human subjects walking with a wearable inertial sensor network. They are found to reduce the communication load by 60–70%, which implies that two to three times more sensor nodes could be used at the same bandwidth

    Revisiting the derivation of stage costs in infinite horizon discrete-time optimal control

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    In many applications of optimal control, the stage cost is not fixed, but rather a design choice with considerable impact on the control performance. In infinite horizon optimal control, the choice of stage cost is often restricted by the requirement of uniform cost controllability, which is nontrivial to satisfy. Here we revisit a previously proposed constructive technique for stage cost design. We generalize its setting, weaken the required assumptions and add additional flexibility. Furthermore, we show that the required assumptions essentially cannot be weakened anymore. By providing improved design options for stage costs, this work contributes to expanding the applicability of optimization-based control methodologies, in particular, model predictive control